The latest MCU Disney+ show, Moon Knight, is premiering on the streaming platform in just a few short weeks, and Marvel has released a clip from the first episode that showcases the series’ darker side.
The clip shows a cockney-accented(?) Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac) having a mind-bending elevator ride. Grant (aka Marc Spector, aka Moon Knight, although it’s likely Grant doesn’t realize this yet) is clearly freaked out when he enters the elevator, and becomes properly terrified when the door opens on a dark hallway where the birdskull face of Khonshu, the Egyptian god of the moon, is there to greet him.
In the comics, the mercenary assassin Marc Spector dies and is resurrected by Khonshu and imbued with some of the god’s powers. Spector as Moon Knight is tasked to protect the travelers of the night. He also has Dissociative Identity Disorder and one of his personalities is Steven Grant.
In this clip, it looks like a terrified Steven is still trying to suss things out and is scaring the heck out of some elderly woman in the process. Hopefully he and Khonshu get on the same page eventually or at least stop petrifying poor random civilians just trying to visit their relatives.
In addition to Isaac, Moon Knight stars May Calamawy and Ethan Hawke as the villain. Four of the six episodes were directed by Mohamed Diab with the remaining two directed by duo Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead. The series premieres on Disney+ on March 30, 2022.
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